Contributing to django-tag-fields#

By contributing you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct.

Thank you for taking the time to contribute to django-tag-fields.

Follow these guidelines to speed up the process.

Reach out before you start#

Before opening a new issue, check if somebody else has already started working on the same issue in the GitHub issues and pull requests.

Fork the repository#

After forking this repository to your GitHub account, install your fork in your local development environment.

# Clone your forked repository
git clone<your_fork>/django-tag-fields.git

# Change to the working directory
cd django-tag-fields

Setup a virtual environment#

Use venv or your preferred virtual environment tool.

Install the dependencies and setup pre-commit.

Create a virtual environment#
python -m venv venv
Activate your virtual environment, if venv it will be#
. venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies#
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements/test.txt
pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
Setup pre-commit#
pre-commit install
Install django-tag-fields for local development#
python -m pip install -e .

Running tests#

django-tag-fields uses tox to run tests:


Follow style conventions (black, flake8, isort)#

Check that your changes are not breaking the style conventions with pre-commit.

git add <your updated files>


Update the documentation#

When adding new features or modifying documented behaviour, it is important to remember to update the corresponding documentation.

You can find the documentation in the “docs” directory of the repository.

To make changes to the documentation, follow these steps.

sphinx-build -n -W docs docs/_build

Add a changelog line#

Including a changelog line, even for minor changes, is helpful, as it helps explain the intention behind the change and alerts users who are upgrading. To do this, add a line to the (Unreleased) section of the CHANGELOG.rst file and any additional details for more complex changes.

Commit/Release process#

Releases are handled by python-semantic-release.


Its important that you DO NOT change the version numbers in the code. This will confuse the automatic release updating.

For automatic releases to operate correctly its important to follow the Conventional Commits Format.

Conventional commits provides a nice easy to read format in the repository and helps to find relevent commit information with a quick scan.

TLDR: Example of commit message with issue number.#
docs(Contrib): Update README typos #42

# Long description of commit if needed.

closes #42

django-tag-fields comes with a custom commit message template, see an excerpt below.

If you would like to use this template, which has some built in help you can simply update your local git repo with the following command.

git config --local commit.template .github/.git-commit-template.txt
Available tags for commit message.#
# Tags with ** will be included in the CHANGELOG

# **   chore    (a chore that needs to be done)
#      dbg      (changes in debugging code/frameworks; no production code change)
#      defaults (changes default options)
# **   docs     (changes to documentation)
# **   feat     (new feature)
# **   fix      (bug fix)
#      hack     (temporary fix to make things move forward; please avoid it)
#      license  (edits regarding licensing; no production code change)
# **   perf     (performance improvement)
# **   refactor (refactoring code)
# **   style    (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change)
# **   test     (adding or refactoring tests; no production code change)
#      version  (version bump/new release; no production code change)
#      WIP      (Work In Progress; for intermediate commits to keep patches reasonably sized)
#      jsrXXX   (patches related to the implementation of jsrXXX, where XXX the JSR number)
#      jdkX     (patches related to supporting jdkX as the host VM, where X the JDK version)

Send pull request#

It is now time to push your changes to GitHub and open a pull request!

Thank you for your contribution.