External Applications#

In addition to the features included in django-tag-fields directly, there are a number of external applications which provide additional features that may be of interest.


Despite their mention here, the following applications are in no way official, nor have they in any way been reviewed or tested.

These applications are specific to django-taggit and will continue to perform in django-tag-fields in the same manner as django-taggit.

If you have an application that you’d like to see listed here, simply fork django-tag-fields on github, add it to this list, and send a pull request.

  • django-taggit-anywhere: Simpler approach to tagging with taggit. Additionally this project provides easy-to-use integration with django-taggit-helpers and django-taggit-labels.

  • django-taggit-helpers: Makes it easier to work with admin pages of models associated with taggit tags by adding helper classes: TaggitCounter, TaggitListFilter, TaggitStackedInline, TaggitTabularInline.

  • django-taggit-labels: Provides a clickable label widget for the Django admin for user friendly selection from managed tag sets.

  • django-taggit-serializer: Adds functionality for using taggit with django-rest-framework.

  • django-taggit-suggest: Provides support for defining keyword and regular expression rules for suggesting new tags for content. This used to be available at taggit.contrib.suggest.

  • django-taggit-templatetags: Provides several templatetags, including one for tag clouds, to expose various taggit APIs directly to templates.

  • django-taggit-bulk: An admin action for the bulk tagging from the model admin instance list view.